Explore Our Tracks

Discover the heart of innovation in the Gulf Cooperation Council region as we dive into six distinct 'Innovation Tracks' that define its future. From technology's transformative power to financial prowess, human capital investment, infrastructure evolution, regulatory dynamics, and sustainability initiatives, our journey through these tracks illuminates the GCC's remarkable progress, with each episode unveiling the visionaries driving change in this dynamic landscape.

Uncover Antifragile Tracks

We focus on the antifragile tracks that are drivers of innovation.

Technology & Innovation

• Technology R&D
• Private and Public Innovation
• Technology-enabled Growth

In the “Technology” track, we dive into the technology landscape of the Gulf Cooperation Council region to explore the dynamic world of Technology Innovation, the synergy between Private and Public Development, and the influence it has on capital markets and emerging markets. From smart cities to digital transformation, we'll unravel how technology is reshaping the region's future. Each episode seeks to uncover the innovation hubs and individuals behind cutting-edge projects fostering innovation fueling the growth of startups, new markets, and globally leading sector development.

Finance & Economics

• Global and Capital Markets
• Private & Public Development
• Capital and Emerging Markets

In the “Finance and Economics” track, we dissect the financial landscape of the Gulf Cooperation Council region to explore the developments in Global and Capital Markets, the role of Private Equity and Venture Capital, and the transformative power of Financial Technology (FinTech). Together, we will embark on a journey to identify the factors that shape economic growth, stability, and investment opportunities in the GCC. Learn from the players making their impact on global financial markets that drive entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic diversification and the elements shaping the region's financial future.

Human Capital & Education

• Workforce and Talent
• Academia and Skills
• Capacity Building

In the “Human Capital and Education” track, we zoom in on the Gulf Cooperation Council's human infrastructure landscape. We'll dissect how the GCC is investing in a future-ready labor force, enhancing workforce training and innovative strategies to enhance employability, aligning academia and skills with industry needs, and building capacity while attracting top talent. Join us to discover how the GCC and its leadership are preparing its workforce for a dynamic future, fostering a competitive environment for innovation, and nurturing a talent pool that's ready to meet the challenges of the modern world.

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• Transportation
• Facilities and Systems
• Telecommunications

In the “Infrastructure” track, we explore the key elements shaping the Gulf Cooperation Council region:, Transportation, Facilities and Systems, and Telecommunications. We'll discover the impressive infrastructure projects, cutting-edge transportation systems, and modern facilities driving progress in the GCC. Additionally, we'll delve into the telecommunications sector, investigating the deployment of 5G and the digital revolution shaping communication in the region. Join us as we uncover the dynamic and interconnected infrastructure development - and the people behind its growth - that are propelling the region forward.

Government & Law

• Government and Business
• Regulation and Compliance
• Governance and Economics

In the “Government and Law” track, we navigate the intricate web of regulation in the region. We'll explore the crucial dynamics between Government and Business, the ever-evolving landscape of Regulation and Compliance, and the interplay of Governance and Economics. We'll examine how regional governments foster an environment conducive to economic growth while maintaining their roles as regulators and facilitators. Come explore how the GCC’s economic policies, governance, and decision-making influence the region's development, diversification, and sustainability with the individuals driving an integral role in shaping the region’s leadership.


• Business Continuity & Culture
• Environmental Management
• Corporate Responsibility

The “Sustainability” Track shines a light on key sustainability aspects in the Gulf Cooperation Council region by delving into the region's interplay of Business Continuity and Culture, the evolving landscape of Environmental Management, and the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility. We look to explore how the GCC is at the forefront of sustainability initiatives – from renewable energy projects to conservation efforts, and into the region's commitment to a more sustainable future. Each episode seeks to unravel the intricate balance of Business Continuity and Culture driven by actors influencing and driving sustainability.

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What Others Are Saying

“Antifragile Talks is one of the most anticipated opportunities for me to have insider knowledge all year round, wherever I go. As an entrepreneur constantly seeking to make an impact, this is my new secret access point into locally relevant insights.”



“Few groups make an effort to showcase the Arabian Peninsula in an authentic angle that resonates with locals and nationals at all levels. Antifragile Talks will become the single source of truth that we can proudly stand by for decades to come.”


Banking Professional

“The narratives unraveling through Antifragile Talks equates to unrivaled access coupled with unrivaled details. There is no amount of networking that can achieve the level of insight deriving from an individual's mindset as these dialogues.”


Finance Executive

From Tracks to Dialogue

Our antifragile tracks lay the foundation for the important discussions centered around global connectivity anchored by movement and growth in the GCC.